Fourth Action Workshop: Stockholm, Sweden, 1-2 October 2019
As the EUA-BCA approaches the final project year, representatives of key partners and the co-beneficiaries gathered 1-2 October in Stockholm and on-line for a workshop hosted by IVL. An important task at the workshop was to start discussions about a major project delivery for next year: a roadmap on black carbon in the Arctic supporting international cooperation and a broad commitment to emission reductions. A major purpose of this roadmap is to propose efforts to integrate policy initiatives across the different national and international fora that are engaged in black carbon issues, with the Arctic Council and UNECE-CLRTAP as key priorities. Another purpose is to identify further needs for technical and scientific work that can support policy development, including needs related to scenario development, mitigation options, reporting/inventories, monitoring and best available techniques. The workshop also provided a preview of on-going research including updated emission scenarios and discussions about forthcoming reports and outreach activities.