EUA-BCA at webinar on black carbon and methane from the oil and gas sector
Arctic Council’s Arctic Contaminants Action Program (ACAP) webinar on Black Carbon and Methane from the Oil and Gas Sector was held 27-28 October 2020. The event was co-hosted by ACAP and the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment and attracted over 90 participants from Arctic Council States and Observers countries and organizations, international organisations (e.g., OECD) and a large number of Russian oil and gas industry and government representatives.
The EUA-BCA gave two presentations and participated in panel discussions to share the latest results from the project. These included highlights from the development of a black carbon roadmap and from the Best Available Techniques (BAT) guidance document on Black Carbon Emissions from Gas Flaring (English and Russian translated versions of report are available here).
The webinar presented an excellent opportunity for the EUA-BCA to engage with key stakeholders from the Russian oil and gas industry and government as well as other Arctic Council members to discuss black carbon emissions and mitigation actions such as those outlined in the EUA-BCA guidance report on black carbon emissions from gas flaring. The webinar indicated that there were significant economic, environmental, human health gains by reducing black carbon emissions from the oil and gas sector using BAT. It also presented knowledge gaps such as in monitoring and reporting and the need for further international cooperation. Further information on the webinar can be found here.